Wednesday, June 6, 2007


This year I had studied about global warming in general. The project about “global warming” was very interesting project. Global warming project has some advantages that I will talk about it in detail. The main advantage is that I had learned some ideas about global warming that I had never heard about it. Also I knew about the danger that we will face in the future. Another advantage is that it gave me a chance to know how to create blog. Another point is that I had done a research about global warming and its causes and effects in the UAE. In conclusion we must find some solutions like to use solar energy instead of burning fuels.

My Opinion

There are some solutions to reduce global warming. Now I am going to write about some solution that will reduce CO2 in detail.

First solution people should use some other ways of transport. For example people should use solar energy car or electric trains to reduce the CO2. Another solution is that to put filters on factories so that the harmful gases will be less. Another point is that cookers should use electric ovens instead of gas ovens. Last solution is papers should be recycled instead of being burned.

In conclusion, global worming is a serious issue and we all should work together to prevent it. The reason it is problem for the whole world.

Global warming in UAE

In the past there was no global warming in the UAE. The reason is that there were no cars, airplane and factories. However, now days global warming is a big issue in UAE. Now I am going to discuss this situation in detail.

Global mean temperature is rising because the greenhouse is surrounding the earth. The reason is that the greenhouse gases block the harmful gases to escape from the earth. Abu Dhabi is crowded of cars so that fossil fuels are burned and increase the rate of CO2. Another point is that climate change may affect the sea level. The reason is that the ice will melt and sea level will rise.

In conclusion, UAE government must find solution to reduce the CO2 in the UAE. One solution is to use solar energy instead of burning fuel.


There are a lot of effects that will happen from global warming. Now I am going to discuss some effects in details.

  • Melting ice caps the sea level will rise up and it will affect countries near the coast.

  • Heat waves harm all people. Heat waves bring illnesses to children and old people, it also cause death.

  • A hurricane is a powerful force in nature. It crashes villages and farms a lot of poor people suffer from hurricanes it can reach 200mph.

  • Drought, dust storms appears and there are lacks of water in some countries.

  • Negative effect on plants & vegetation because global warming has increased the temperature; so there will be drought and plants will die.

  • Acid rain will affect the plants and rivers.

  • More cases of skin cancer because of the large hole in the ozone layer. The ultra-violet rays will cause for people skin cancer.

  • Increased annual average temperature worldwide because CO2 has increased as will from burning fuels and papers.

Specific effect

Global warming has many effects. I am going to write about drought and its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that economic will go down. For example there will be plants disease so less people will buy vegetarian food. Next problem is that there will be lack of water many poor people will die especially in summer. For example now in Africa there are a lot of people suffer from the lack of water. Another point is that farmers will loss their income. The reason is plants will not receive enough water so the vegetables and fruits will not grow enough or won’t be good for selling.


Global warming is a big issue that the world is facing. Now I am going to describe some important causes in detail.

  • Smoke from factories and C02 form cars will spread in the air and polluted it.

  • When the volcanoes are exploded heat will increase the temperature.

  • Burning waste will produce dangerous gases.

  • Forest fires will burn a big number of trees. It will produce heat, harm gases and number of trees will reduce.

  • Rich countries only consider the economy and focus in building factories to make profit.

  • Burning fossil fuels pollute the atmosphere and produce heat.

  • There are many airplanes are used so they produce C02.

  • Millions of people smoke cigarette.

  • Deforestation, cutting trees is big problem. Trees produce oxygen which is important to humans and animals.

  • Large hole in the ozone layer is dangerous because of the ultra-violet rays.

Specific cause

Almost all people know about global warming and its causes. However, some people think that global warming is caused only from car C02 and factories. But actually there are many sources that cause global warming such as deforestation. About 25 – 30 percent of greenhouse gases are realized in the air by deforestation. Trees are 50% of carbon; so when they cut or burn it turn to C02. About 13 million hectares of forests worldwide are lost every year. Developed countries which have forests are cutting trees irresponsibly. Deforestation remains high Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia. This will cause many dangerous effects in the future because C02 will keep increasing year by year.